

Healthy Glow Face Treatments

April 18th, 2014 • Posted by SKINERGIZE • Permalink

When it's time to wash your face, don't reach for whatever soap is closest. While it may be easy and convenient to reach for the same bar of soap you wash your hands with, it can actually leave your face looking dull, dry and damaged. Even if you have oily complexion and think you could benefit from a soap that dries you out, it's better to invest in a cleanser that is specifically designed for oily skin.

Our facial skin has an exact PH level that keeps the moisture content and acidity in balance. Using the correct cleanser will keep your skin moisturized without overdoing the moisture and causing break-outs. It is important to keep the face clean and prevent bacteria build up, but you don't want to strip the skin of its natural moisture content. This will cause premature aging and wrinkles.

Bar soaps are made for getting rid of the grease and grime of the day and contain harsh chemicals that strip the skin. Quite often we need to apply hand lotion after using these soaps because they are drying. Just think of what this will do to the delicate PH of the face.

Another thing to note is that just as the soap scum builds up in your sink and shower, this is the same film that will be placed onto your face if you use that bar of soap. This will clog pores and cause break-outs and skin blemishes.

There are several face specific cleansers for all types of skin. It is important to find the right one for you. Talk with our facialist to find out what to use for your skin type and you will be on your way to having happy skin that you feel good in. Your morning and evening routine will be enjoyable as you expose your natural beauty.

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